Semi-Tones – the shades of life
More often than not the loud and chatty gets all the attention, not the subtle and nuanced. This applies to individuals as well as to objects and art, and it’s certainly true for fragrance. In a…
Love thy skin – it’s time to care
The right skin and body care will help your to make it through the darker season with harsh winds and low temperatures outside, and excessively dry indoor air inside – but it can do so…
2020 WINTER EscENTIALS – winter tones.
Winter is the season of nuances and semitones. Unlike in summer, nature doesn’t brag with a spectacular and overpowering color palette, she applies a different strategy to capture our attention. Just like a skillful speaker…
Phantosmia – only in your dreams.
Wikipedia defines Phantosmia as follows: „Phantosmia (phantom smell), also called an olfactory hallucination or a phantom odor, is smelling an odor that is not actually there. It can occur in one nostril or both.“ Paris-based…
Before Sunrise – last night, ages ago.
The hours just before dawn are full of magic. The Sun wavers below the horizon, its initial hints of light coloring the world around us in subtle shades of blue and grey — l’heure bleu as…
SUMMER EscENTIALS 2018: A perfect place!
Summer is finally here, and with it we are excited to bring you our 2018 SUMMER EscENTIALS: 10 charismatic scents for a quintessential summer season. Our exclusive photo shoot will take you to a place…
Julia Ahtijainen: Talking scents the dirty way.
Julia Ahtijainen is a freelance consultant and communications project manager who specializes in concept analysis and content creation. Some of her most notable clients include cutting-edge niche fragrance brands like Nasomatto, Orto Parisi, and BeauFort London.…
To celebrate the season of renewal, we asked Dutch photographer Mathilde Karrèr to shoot 12 hand-picked fragrances that are perfect for spring. What she created is a lush, multi-faceted collage of fragrant flowers, decorative trouvailles,…
AUTUMN EscENTIALS 2017: Rebel Scents!
We usher in our autumn season with our AUTUMN EscENTIALS 2017: 12 perfect perfumes, delivered to you through dazzling visuals by London photographer Adam Goodison. To spice things up we picked an explosive theme: Rebel Scents! Only…
Geza Schön: Stay hungry and foolish!
Though Geza Schön tries to avoid the limelight, he is one of the best known perfumers in the field of niche fragrances, and also a highly successful scent creator when it comes to sales and creative impact. Ten years after his radically…